Weekly News (week 43):

Weekly News (week 43):

S&P raises Greece's debt rating:   On October 21, 2023, the renowned financial rating agency, S&P Global Ratings, elevated Greece's credit rating from BB+/B to BBB-/A-3. This notable shift categorizes Greece's debt as an "adequate investment," a status it...

The Impact of Brexit on the UK Economy: An Evidence-Based Analysis

The Impact of Brexit on the UK Economy: An Evidence-Based Analysis

The Brexit decision has led to many discussions about its impact on the UK economy. We'll explore how Brexit affects the UK, focusing on trade, migration, investment, and the broader economic consequences. Understanding these aspects helps paint a complete picture of...

Weekly News (week 42):

Weekly News (week 42):

Middle East Conflict: Economic Concerns and Global Repercussions Rising tensions in the Middle East are raising concerns about its overall economic implications. Market specialists fear collateral effects, including a possible rise in oil prices and a shift of capital...

Weekly News (week 41):

Weekly News (week 41):

The recent US employment report surprised more than one analyst. Financial markets were agitated following the announcement of non-agricultural job creation well above expectations. While the consensus of experts was counting on 170,000 new hires, 336’000 jobs were...

Weekly News (week 40):

Weekly News (week 40):

L'Italie se trouve actuellement face à une situation financière tendue. Elle a annoncé un déficit budgétaire qui dépasse les attentes initiales. En conséquence, l'écart de rendement, ou "spread", avec les obligations allemandes s'est accru. C'est un signal d'alerte...